Alberto got to meet the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, today. He has a home in Saint Michaels, which is near my dad's house in Annapolis, so they were talking about how beautiful and peaceful it is out there.
Our little Snow Whites. Sophia decided Snow White could fly, because her big girl costume has a cape! Maya kept patting her belly, which is what she does when she thinks something is so pretty. :)
Sophia is learning about Indians in school. She got to pick her Indian name, "Little Rainbow". Today was the big Pow-Wow at school, so the kids wore their Indian hats & vets that they made and made music with the shakers they made.
Maya has been climbing in this bucket lately. Today, we put Molly in with her. :)
Maya's crazy hair is back! It's funny to remember back to when her hair did this naturally. ;)
I love this photo of Sophia, because it shows what she does when I try to get a photo of her. HA! I'm always saying "Look at Mommy! Smile! Take your hands off your face!"
Sophia was being so funny skiing through the family room in Daddy's slippers with her new princess bike helmet on!
I don't usually think it's funny when my babies cry, but Maya was being so dramatic I couldn't help it. She was walking around with her little purse on her arm and being so dainty and sweet. When I told her that she couldn't play with the trash can, she put her purse in her mouth and just started sobbing hysterically. She wasn't hurt, just mad. I'm not sure why she put her purse in her mouth to cry, but it was really funny.
I'm a wife to a wonderful husband and stay at home mom to four incredible kids. This is my second year doing a Project 365 blog. My first year was in 2007 and I took a photo of our 2 daughters every day for an entire year. Not only did I capture their changes over a year, but I also got our memories -- 365 days in a row. It is something that I cherish looking back at. I also started a 365 blog at the beginning of 2010, but our little surprise -- Baby #4 -- got me side tracked. :)