Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day 146

Alberto and I went to a surprise 40th birthday party for a friend of ours. The girls stayed home with Grandma Bonnie. We had a huge tailgate party then all went to the Angels game. We won...yay!!! I thought this photo of Alberto was neat, because you can see the baseball field reflecting in his glasses!

We believe in the power of the Rally Monkey!!! (Hahaha!) The game was 3-3 and we ended up winning 10-3!

Our future dentist and her patient...

Friday, July 27, 2007

Day 145

Sophia and I found this little bug wiggling upside down, so we flipped him over.

Here is Sophia's $100 dress up costume. Sigh. She started dance class and we signed up for the recital and ordered the costume. Not too long after that (for a variety of reasons) we withdrew from the class. Since we already paid for the costume, I figured she might as well have fun with it!

I love this little baby legs!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Day 144

Sophia's preschool class had a field trip today. We went to a little reptile center. Here are a green snake and a yellow frog we saw while we were there. They also took out a tarantula for the kids to see up close. That was really neat for Sophia, especially since she knows Alberto saw them in the wild on his trip to South America last year. There were also rollie-pollie bugs the size of her hand!

I know this photo is a bit over-exposed, but it's Sophia with her BFF. They held hands almost the entire field trip. What sweet best-buddies!

I wasn't planning on giving Maya another bath today, but she covered herself in her dinner!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 143

Sophia was "nursing" her babydoll. :)

Maya has recently started expressing her anger when non-baby items are taken from her.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 142

Sophia found these on our gate. They are smaller than a gumball and all caught up in a messy web. There is a "big" hole on each one. If you click to enlarge you can see more detail. I'm not sure what it is though.

This spider was somewhat close to the white balls. Perhaps they belong to it?

For a size comparison, here they are by my finger. Pardon the poor manicure. ;)

Maya was crying (because we took away a non-baby thing), so Sophia was trying to kiss her better.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 141

Maya was looking at Liberty out the window this morning.

He is clearly unimpressed by this chubby little thing invading his space.

Sophia taught me how to draw monsters this morning.

She doesn't like me to take her picture, so I said I would take a picture of the crayon. After a few attempts, she figured out she was in the background, hence the expression on her face when she realized I had tricked her. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 140

Singing and dancing is serious business for Sophia. She really gets into the music and really tries to express the mood of the music. Here she is dancing to a Sandra Boynton song about a little girl's temper tantrum. The second photo made me laugh out loud, which made her stop and look at me the way she did in the third photo.

Our adventurous little Maya decided to go over Liberty instead of around him. I know the cropping of the photos is poor, but had to include the before and after photos.