Friday, July 27, 2007

Day 145

Sophia and I found this little bug wiggling upside down, so we flipped him over.

Here is Sophia's $100 dress up costume. Sigh. She started dance class and we signed up for the recital and ordered the costume. Not too long after that (for a variety of reasons) we withdrew from the class. Since we already paid for the costume, I figured she might as well have fun with it!

I love this little baby legs!


Maggie said...

Great tutu! Love the chub legs too:)

amy said...

Good that she's enjoying the costume since it was so expensive! LOL

Vanessa said...

great shots!! love the beetle bug..very pretty colors! You're girls are cute as always!

Mindy's365 said...

Awe look at those chubby little legs!!
Neat bug too!